ดาวน์โหลด AI Marvels APK
You can bring out the control of your photographs or motion pictures with our all-in-one Al Wonders. You can effortlessly expel undesirable parts of your photographs and make them see way better with fair a few clicks. Al Representations that see like they were taken in a proficient studio can be made, as can dazzling Al craftsmanship and indeed astounding Al move motion pictures like Sora!
Features of AI Marvels APK
NLP stands for "normal dialect preparing."
This lets MARVEL.ai figure out what composing in archives means.
Machine learning, or ML:
This lets MARVEL.ai learn over time and get superior at extricating data.
OCR stands for optical character acknowledgment.
MARVEL.ai can presently turn checked pictures of papers into text.
Vision on a computer:
In this way, MARVEL.ai can get information from pictures like tables and charts.
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